Covers exchange from all over the world. Main prior topics: Pope John Paul II, Wine/Grapes, Christianity. Postcards with Churches. All beautiful and original covers are welcome. My postal address: ARMANDO ANDRÉ DE MELO - Ap. 854 - São João de Vêr - P- 4524-905 SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA - PORTUGAL ---------- (
sexta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2008
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008
It is indeed very interesting and innovative. It comes from Finland. This surprising philatelic object is a "long sized"block consisting of 4 different stamps and has ski as the central theme.
quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008
terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2008
He is a lover of the stamps, stamps about animal life, particularly dogs.
Cvetko has a nice internet site translated into several languages. It is very interesting blog and you can have a look on it at the following address: or directly from my favourite link: Lencova Domaca Stran.
Thanks again, Cvetko.
domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2008
Former Czechoslovakia
Former Czechoslovakia
Czech Republic
Puente de Alcántara y Puente Internacional de Ayamonte. Se trata de una emisión conjunta España - Portugal. El pasado y el presente, puentes de amistad entre los dos países Ibéricos.
Alcántara bridge and International Ayamonte bridge. This is a joint issue Spain - Portugal. The past and present, bridges of friendship in the history of the two Iberian countries.
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2008
I've no words. Only to thank you, Andrew, for this unique moment you decided to share with all of us.
Philately is sharing and sharing is friendship.
Thank you so much again for this really beautiful moment.
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2008
terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008
Republic of Korea
This clean blue river has long been a habitat to various kinds of flora and fauna, including rare creatures and natural treasures, such as the osprey, wildcat, kestrel, otter, Fabriciana nerippe, etc.
Thank you, Kim!
segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008
sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2008
quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008
Portugal (Açores)
"O arquipélago dos Açores, oficialmente descoberto pelos Portuguses no séc. XV é bem o paradigma de um mundo que se quer manter verde, a bem da sustentabilidade (...). Herança dos primeiros povoadores, esta técnica de transformar o vento em pão é um técnica provavelmente a considerar, numa época de aposta nas energias renováveis". - In "Portugal em Selos 2007"
Windmills of the Azores (2007) "This archipelago, officially discovered by the Portuguese during the 15th century, is clearly the paradigm of a world that everyone wants to keep green for the sake of sustainability (...). The legacy of the earlest settlers, this technique used to transform wind into bread is probably to be considered at a time of the new focus on renewable energies". - In "Portugal in Stamps 2007"
Esta emissão filatélica destinou-se a comemorar os 250 anos da Região Demarcada do Douro, a mais antiga região demarcada de vinhos do Mundo.
"Pelo mundo fora, o mais popular embaixador de Portugal é, sem dúvida alguma, o noss célebre Vinho do Porto, como o qualificou a UNESCO em 14-12-2001, ao colocar à cabeça dos bens então declarados Património Mundial, o Alto Douro Vinhateiro". - In "Portugal em Selos 2006"
Old ambassadors (2006)
This philatelic issue commemorates the 250th annyversary of the Douro Demarcated Region, the world's oldest wine demarcated region. "Throughout the world Portugal's most popular ambassador is undoubtely our celebrated Port Wine, as it was classified by UNESCO on December 14th 2001, on placing the Alto Douro wine Region at the head of the patrimony that was then declared World Heritage". In "Portugal in Stamps 2006
domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2008
Portugal (Madeira)
"Já em1515 o Vinho da Madeira era exportado para a Corte de Francisco I de França; Shakespeare classificou-o como essência precisa em Henrique IV; o Duque de Clarence, irmão de Eduardo IV de Inglaterra e sentenciado pelo atentado ao Rei, escolheu morrer afogado num tonel de tal néctar; Napoleão contou com o suprimento deste vinho no exílio de Santa Helena... George Washington bebia diariamente um cálice de Madeira." - Extracto de Portugal em Selos 2006
Madeira Wine 2006 - "Precisous Essence"
Early as 1515 Madeira wine was exported to the court of Francis of France; Shakespeare classified it as "precious essence" in Henry IV; the duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV of England who was sentenced for an attempt on the life of the king, chose to drown in a butt of this nectar; Napoleon relied on provision of this wine during his exile in Santa Helena... George Washington drank a glass of Madeira every day". - Extract from the book "Portugal in Stamps 2006"