terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2007

Stamps availability/Disponibilités

Several units (unused) still available

Technical Data:

. Stamps: 1 Euro – 230.000 units (only)
. Design: João Machado
. Paper: Self-adhesive cork oak paper
. Size : 40 x 30,60
. Printing: Offset
. Printer: Cartor


This pack includes:

1 Cork Stamp
1 FDC – First Day Cover
1 Brochure with stamp

Technical Data:

. First day obliteration in: Lisbon
. Issue: 28/11/2007
. Stamps: 1 Euro – 230.000 units (only)
. Design: João Machado
. Paper: Self-adhesive cork oak paper
. Size : 40 x 30,60
. Printing: Offset
. Printer: Cartor



Please enquiry for prices and conditions.


In Santa Maria da Feira with my Camera

segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2007

First Postage Cork Stamp

From the official brochure of the 1st world cork stamp emission:



Cork and cork oak – national symbols.
Cork. Gift of nature. National Heritage. Ambassador of Portugal.
Cork, bark of the cork oak, is a renewable, recyclable and biodegradable product. The Quercus Suber L., which Mother Nature planted essentially in southern Portugal, shapes the identity of the Alentejan landscape. Home to an infinite variety of animal and plant species, thanks to its multifunctionality, the cork oak stand prevents desertification of the south of the country – a dry region with thin top soil – by reducing soil erosion and contributing immeasurably to the local economy, not to mention its contribution to the fixation of carbon dioxide, the main cause of global warming.
Preserved by kings and governors, from the beginning of the nation to the present, the cork oak has always been protected by national legislation: the first references to cork oak appeared as early as the 13th century in the charters of King Dinis, however cultivation of the cork oak stand as we know it today did not begin until 19th century.
Rough in appearance but pleasant to the touch, cork has unique characteristics: it is light, impermeable to liquids and gases, compressible, elastic, an excellent thermal, acoustic and vibration insulator and resistant to friction. Used in a wide variety of areas, from construction to the automobile and aeronautics industries, it is best known as a wine stopper.
As if the Romans and Phoenicians used cork to seal their amphorae, it was Dom Pérignon in France who first used it systematically as a stopper for his precious nectar. But it was in Portugal that the knowledge and expertise needed to extract and transform it would be found. For historic reasons connected with port wine production, the industry established itself essentially in the north, in particular the Aveiro region, still the world centre for cork transformation and trade today.
A Portuguese ambassador, cork has carried the nation’s name to the five continents and even into space. Today, Portugal is the world leader in cork production, transformation and export, placing it at the forefront of knowledge and research in the area and bestowing it with responsibility of protecting and promoting this noble product of the Mediterranean forest.
Cork and the cork oak have inspired books, poems, songs, fashion, design and jewellery. They are part of Portuguese culture. A symbol that is now used as a base for prestigious postage stamp, a stamp made of cork, the bark of the cork oak.

Jaime Gama
Portuguese Parliament President



Gosto de viajar e há muitas formas de viajar pelo mundo.
Uma delas é através dos selos. Desde a adolescência, sem nunca ter saído de Portugal, os selos levavam-me para terras longínquas, coloridas paisagens, diversificada fauna e flora, culturas peculiares, línguas com diferentes sonoridades, exóticas gastronomias…
Mais selos juntava e maior era a minha curiosidade em saber mais sobre esses povos, a sua história e a sua cultura.
Hoje, por razões profissionais, conheço mais de 25 países em 4 continentes. Reconheço que a aprendizagem prévia adquirida na juventude através dos selos foi de enorme importância para um melhor conhecimento dos países que já visitei.
Não sou nem me considero filatelista, em sentido restrito. Sou, antes, um amante do selo, enquanto veículo de emoções, que nos transporta às mais recônditas paragens.
Envia-me envelopes com selos do teu país e eu retribuo de igual forma. É uma maneira de enriquecer os meus conhecimentos e de deixar este legado para os vindouros. Comentarei e publicarei no blog os mais curiosos e originais.
Já agora, e por falar em originalidade, tenho uma surpresa: Um SELO DE CORTIÇA, esgotadíssimo, para os 50 primeiros amigos que me respondam.
Obrigado pela colaboração, Boa Sorte e Boa Viagem através dos selos!

André Melo
Ap. 854 – S. João de Ver
4524 – 905 Santa Maria da Feira

I like traveling and there are many ways of traveling.
One of them could be by means of the stamps. I remember, since my adolescence, without ever being abroad, stamps lead me to far regions, colored landscapes, diversified fauna and flora, peculiar cultures, different idioms, exotic flavors and gastronomies…
More stamps I added to my collection, more and more I wanted to know about that unknown people and that country, its history and culture.
Nowadays, by professional reasons, I visited more that 25 countries in 4 continents. I recognize now the importance of the preliminary knowledge I acquired in my youth throughout the stamps.
I’m not and I don’t consider myself a philatelist in strictu sensu. I’m a stamp lover, as the stamp is the privileged vehicle carrying out emotions throughout the world.
Send me covers of your country and I’ll act the same way. I’ll enrich my knowledge and this will be useful for future generations. I’ll comment in my blog the most original covers.
By the way, talking about originality, I’ve a surprise: A Cork Paper Stamp, the first in the world. Absolutely sold out! I have one of this stamp for the first 50 stamp lovers sending me one cover.
Thanks for your co-operation, Good Luck!, and nice trips with stamps…

André Melo
Ap. 854 – S. João de Ver
4524 – 905 Santa Maria da Feira

J’aime voyager et il a plusieurs façons de voyager dans le monde, y compris travers les timbres.
Dès mon adolescence, sans jamais avoir traversé la frontière Portugaise, des timbres m’ont amené à des terres lointaines, paysages colorés, flore et faune diversifiés, autres cultures, langues de différentes sonorités, gastronomies exotiques…
Aujourd’hui, par des raisons professionnelles, je connais plus de 25 pays, repartis par 4 continents. Je me rends compte maintenant de l’importance que l’apprentissage préalablement acquis dans ma jeunesse travers les timbres a eu sur la connaissance que j’ai de ces pays et de ces peuples.
Je ne me considère pas un philatéliste dans le vrais sens du mot et je ne le suis pas. Je serai plutôt un amant du timbre dans la mesure ou il représente un véhicule d’émotions nous amenant au bout du monde.
Envoie-moi une enveloppe avec un ou plusieurs timbres de ton pays. Je rétribuerai pareillement. C’est une façon simple d’enrichir nos connaissances et de laisser un héritage culturel aux futures générations. Je promets publier et commenter sur ce blog les plus originels.
Puisqu’on parle d’originalité, j’ai une surprise : UN TIMBRE EN PAPIER LIÈGE, le premier dans le monde (dont la série est épuisée dès le jour de parution). J’en ai 50 unités à distribuer parmi les 50 premiers qui m’ecrivent.
Merci de ta collaboration, Bonne Chance ! et Bon Voyage !, travers les timbres.

André Melo
Ap. 854 – S. João de Ver
4524-905 Santa Maria da Feira