Very beautiful Cover "In Memoriam" of Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005).
A special place is reserved in my collection for this very special cover.
Thank you so much, A.W. Welch, for This smile!
Covers exchange from all over the world. Main prior topics: Pope John Paul II, Wine/Grapes, Christianity. Postcards with Churches. All beautiful and original covers are welcome. My postal address: ARMANDO ANDRÉ DE MELO - Ap. 854 - São João de Vêr - P- 4524-905 SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA - PORTUGAL ---------- (
New nice cover from Croatia, courtesy of Dragan.
It's really interesting: it represents an intentinal partnership between Dragan's city - RIJEKA (Croatia) - and my home town - S. MARIA DA FEIRA (Portugal).
Good idea, Dragan! let's work hardly on it. Certainly we will find a lot of things common to our both cities to justify such partnership...