quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008


Nouveau courrier de la France. Celui-ci est vraiment très beau. Éric est très genéreux et nous surprend toujours avec de belles choses. J'aimerais mettre en évidence le timbre Europe 2008, dont je fais une campagne pour en réunir de tous les pays.
Merci, Éric!
New letter from France. This is really a very beautiful one. Éric is very generous and always surprises us with such beautiful things. I would like to highlight the stamp Europe 2008 on the upper right side. (As you know, I'm trying to collect this year every Europa FDC).
Thanks a lot, Éric!


Again a new beautiful cover with pope John Paul II - "In memoriam".
Thanks to Kazimierz.


Beautiful FDC received from Latvia titled "Eiropas Cempionâts Orientesanas Sporta 2008" - "European Championship for Guidance sport 2008".
Courtesy of Normunds.

sábado, 24 de maio de 2008

United Nations

Letter received from United Nations (UNAMI - United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq) Nine stamps decorate this envelope. Two of the series have the theme "The World Heritage": EGYPT: Saint Catherine Area, Ancient Thebes and Islamic Cairo; USA: Hawaii volcanoes, Everguades and Yellowstone.
Thank you, Martin!


Carta recibida de Chile. Los sellos están invulgarmente dispuestos en diagonal y este emisión es un homenaje a MARTA COLVIN (Chillán 1907 -Santiago 1995), en el centenario de su nacimiento. De ascendencia irlandesa y portuguesa, desde muy joven fue atraída por la escultura y el diseño. Obtuvo reconocimiento internacional con el Gran Premio de Escultura en la Bienal de São Paulo (Brasil) en 1965. En la parte trasera de la carta se encuentran 3 sellos con pinturas de ROBERTO MATTA (Santiago 11.11.1911 - Civitavecchia (I) 23/11/2002), un gran pintor surrealista chileno. Además de pintor, fue arquitecto, filósofo y poeta, considerado por muchos el último de los representantes del surrealismo.
Cortesía muy amable de Humberto!
Letter received from Chile. The stamps are unusually in diagonal and are a tribute to hMARTA COLVIN (Chillan 1907-Santiago 1995), in the centenary of her birth. From Irish and Portuguese descent, since very young was attracted by the sculpture and the design and obtained international recognition with the Grand Prize for sculpture in the Biennial of São Paulo in 1965. On the back of the letter we see 3 stamps with paintings by ROBERTO MATTA (Santiago 11.11.1911 - Civitavecchia (I) 23.11.2002), a famous Chilean Surrealist painter. In addition to painter, he was architect, philosopher and poet, considered by many the last of the representatives of Surrealism.
Courtesy of Humberto!

quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008


Beautiful cover with Europa CEPT stamps 2008 from Sweden.
Thank you so much, Arne!


Two covers from P.R. of China received the same day, courtesy of Zhou fan.
Both covers contain 2 stamps from the same issue dated May 10, 2008 - "Summer Palace --- Special Stamps". This full set is composed by 6 stamps with the nominal value of 1.20 yuan each. On these above showed covers we have 2 stamps from this issue, entittled "Shiqikong Bridge" and "Garden od Harmonious Pleasures".
Zhou fan invites you to visit his interesting blog: http://www.ejiyou.cn
Thank you, Zhou fan!

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008


Primera carta que recibo de Ecuador. La imagen que tengo de este país es un santuario para la fauna marina. De hecho, los sellos en la parte superior derecha parecen confirmar eso. Este sello de las Islas Galápagos exhiben dos majestuosas mantarayas (Aetobatus narinari) "volando" en el océano. El sello central, muy rico de colores, celebra el quincuagésimo aniversario de la revista "Viztazo" y nel podemos ver, aunque muy discretamente, el Papa Juan Pablo II.
Muchas gracias, John.
First letter I receive from Ecuador. The image I keep in mind about this country is a sanctuary for marine life. In fact, the stamps in the upper right seem to confirm this. This stamp from Galapagos Islands exhibit two majestic Aetobatus narinari "flying" calmly in the ocean. The central stamp, with very rich colors, celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the magazine "Viztazo" and we can see in, but very discreetly, Pope John Paul II.
Many thanks, John.

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008


Très beau et bien original courrier reçu de la France (Seine Maritime). Onze timbres font de cette enveloppe un tableau très vivant et agréable. Il y en a même des timbres qui ne sont pas de ces jours. C'est le cas du timbre central en haut, qui rend hommage à Didier DAURAT (1891-1969), et Raymond VANIER (1895-1965), deux pionniers de l'aviation française. Un autre, fait appel à la Conférence de Paris 1946. Pour finir, celui du coin supérieur droit est très suggestif: "Ceci est une invitation." J'aimerais partager ce message avec vous tous, pour l'échange sympa d'articles philatéliques et d'amitié. Un grand merci, Gilles!

Very beautiful cover received from France (Seine Maritime). Eleven stamps make this envelope a very pleasant picture. There are even stamps issued decades ago. This is the case of Central stamp at the top, which pays tribute to Didier DAURAT (1891-1969), and Raymond VANIER (1895-1965), two pioneers of French aviation. Another one, evoques the Paris Conference 1946. Finally, the upper right is rather suggestive: "This is an invitation." I want to share with you all, for the exchange of philatelic items and friendship. Thanks a lot, Gilles!


New beautiful FDC received from Latvia.

Thank you so much, Normunds!


New FDC from Taiwan

"Bridges of Taiwan (II)"

Thanks, James!

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008


Good news!
Thanks to Pamela, I have today 2 reasons more to celebrate: This is my first and beautiful FDC received from Malta.
Secondly, I am encouraged to collect (all) the FDC EUROPE 2008 (!) . So, you are all invited, all of you, to join me in this objective.
I have several Portuguese FDC's EUROPE available to send to my friends sending me a FDC EUROPE 2008 from their different countries.
Do you accept this challenge, don't you?


New beautiful cover from Ukraine.
Courtesy of Igor!


"Le Guépard du Tassili" - "The Cheetah of Tassili", this is the title of this FDC coming from Algeria (2005).
This nice cover is complemented with 2 stamps issued on 2006, evoking the world day of the environment - June 5.
Thank you, Ouari!

segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2008


New nice cover from Poland.
Two stamps evoque the "History of Polish Photo". Tribute to Karol Beyer (1818-1877).
Courtesy of Kazimierz.


Beautiful letter coming from Slovenia with suggestive and beautiful collection of stamps.
4 stamps with flowers (Gentiana tergestina, Iris illurica, Paeonia officinalis, Pulsatilla montana) give color and life to this envelope.
We can wake up, early in the morning, with bad-mood, but when we receive such a kind of letter, we get suddenly a dose of optimism to help us to face the rest of the day ...
Thank you, Cvetko!


Two interesting covers received almost at the same time, from Norway. The block's letter (with 2 stamps) refers to the Norwegian mythology. The main stamp of the upper letter reminds Henrik Wergeland (1808-1845), a local author.
Thank you very much, Tonni!

domingo, 11 de maio de 2008


New nice cover from Lithuania.
Thank you, Einius, from this beautiful cover and for all interestering stamps you sent to me.
Greetings from Santa Maria da Feira to Vilnius!

sábado, 10 de maio de 2008


New nice cover from Croatia,
Courtesy of Dragan.
Thank you!

segunda-feira, 5 de maio de 2008

Portugal - Olympic Games Beijing 2008

Olympic Games of Beijing 2008

Issue: April 30, 2008

Full set (FDC) - 3 stamps

Block - 4 stamps

Design: João Machado

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008


Beautiful FDC coming from Latvia, just issued on 26.04.2008.

This year's theme for the stamps Europe CEPT is WRITTEN LETTERS.

Here we have a beautiful envelope under a fascinating, warming and (often) enigmatic theme.

I am very happy because this is the first FDC I get from Latvia. Thank you very much, Normunds!


This is my first cover I get from Indonesia.
Indeed it is a beautiful FDC dated 05.11.2007 on butterflies. Curiously (or not) , on the left a stamp refers to the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008.
I would like to take this opportunity to show a special greeting to all athletes who, coming from around the world and in a friendly way, with cult of sport and friendshipp will take part on this Olympic Games edition.
Thank you, Irene!

The Philippines

New cover from The Philippines.
It's a nice one with butterflies (3 different stamps - 2007).
Thanks, Ray!