segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2008

The Philippines

This is my first cover I received from the Philippines.
The stamps are really very beautiful, with long format, and its theme is one of my favorite topics - Churches and Cathedrals.
It was regrettable that the letter had caught rain on the long journey and arrived "crashed", with the stamps damaged.
I appreciated a lot Myron's generosoty and I am sure that the next letter will come to my hands in excellent condition.
Thanks, Myron!


First letter I received from Japan.
The stamps with flowers represent quite well the image I hold of the "Country of the Rising Sun."
Thanks, Pham!


New letter from Slovenia.
I am pleased to see the number of my friends growing in Slovenia. Among them, Bojan is the most recent.


New cover from Russia.
4 stamps (2007, complete issue) on the right give movement and beauty. On the left side 1 stamp( 2008) with horses, too, comemorates 150 years from the 1st Russian stamp.
Thank you, Nikolai!

segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2008


New nice cover from Croatia.
4 different beautiful topics on the stamps, including Beijing Olympic Games 2008, coming soon...
Courtesy of Duvravko. Thanks!


Nice cover from Sweden, courtesy of Arne.
Thanks for both stamps alluding to children's stories.


New nice cover from Slovenia.
It's spring and with it this letter with flowers.
An ode to nature.
Thanks, Maks!


Thanks to Davor, from Zagreb, I received this beautiful cover, the first one from Croatia. On the right corner up we can see a stamp with Pope John Paul II, one among my favorite topics.

I invite you to have a look at the interesting Davor's web-site:

He collects stamps ww related to aviation. Certainly you have something he is looking for, and vice-versa.

Thank you again, Davor, for your nice cover, your stamps and the post cards, as well.


My collection urgently needed a beautiful cover from Ukraine. And here it is, surprisingly. Three stamps with colorful and elegant women faces decorate this letter. Because of its beauty and ellegancy, when I received it, the first image recalled me the Cossaks of Ukraine - folk Ukrainian groups who used to visit Portugal often in the 70's.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the large and very respected Ukrainian community resident in Portugal.
Thank you, Igor, for your contribution to the cult of friendship through stamps.


Beautiful new letter from Cvetko, with 4 stamps. The stamp with the facial value of 0.48 euros evoques Primoz Trubor, author of the first Slovenian book. On the left side up, again European Union, the Slovenian block issued in beginning of 2008.
I would like to remember Cvetko has an interesting philatelic blog we can join through the following address:
Thank you, Cvetko, for this nice cover and the copious stamps gift, too. Maybe we'll meet each other, soon ...


I'm greatful to Lev by his kindness in sending me my first letter from Israel. On the top of the cover we have a John Paul II stamp, next to the Wall of Lamentations, as far as I understand.
Apart stamps, Lev is interested in swaping sugar packets (we currently use to add to coffee), and tea packets, too. Now, we will not be indifferent whenever we have quietly a cup of coffee or tea ...
Thank you so much, Lev.

sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2008


Who does not remember the stories of their childhood?
This simple but very expressive letter from Poland is exactly remembering one of the most story writers in the world, of all time - Hans Christian Andersen (Odense 1805/Kobenhaven 1875). He was, according to scholars, the "first genuinely romantic voice to tell stories for children" and sought always pass patterns of behaviour that should be adopted by the new company that is organized, including pointing the clashes between "powerful" and "unprotected", "strong" and "weak", "exploiters" and "exploited". He also wanted to demonstrate the idea that all men should have equal rights.
Courtesy of Kasimierz. Thank you so much!


This is my first cover received from Belgium.
Both stamps on the left commemorate the “Human Right Declaration”.
On the right we have a remembering of René Magritte (1898/1967), one of the most reputed Belgian painters related with surrealism school.
His works are metaphors that present as realistic representations, by the juxtaposition of common objects and recurring symbols in his work, such as the female torso, the hat coco, the castle, the rock and window, among other more, but a mode impossible to be found in real life.
Thank you, Holger!


We are sharing the beauty of one more cover.
The stamps represent a deep call for friendliness among peoples and also a call for healthy coexistence between man and nature. The 4 stamps on the left, with butterflies, are a recent issue from India.
Thanks to the kindness of Baiju.

quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2008


Nouveau courrier reçu d'Algerie. Il est vraiment superbe: À part les timbres dits "communs", on nous propose le block "Fontaines d'Alger" (2ème série), sortie le 23 février 2008 à Alger. Ma photo est très pauvre mais l'image réelle de l'ensemble est très belle - les quatre timbres de la série et la ville d'Algers en fond.
Cette lettre est remarquable en beauté et en abondance: un block (4 timbres) et encore 8 timbres en complément. Gentille proposition d'Ouari. À encourajer...
Merci, Ouari.
New cover from Algeria. It is really wonderful. Apart from the "common" stamps we are offered the block "Fountains of Algiers" (2nd serie) issued in Algiers on February 23, 2008. My photo is very poor but the real image overall is very beautiful - four stamps and the city of Algiers. This letter is remarkable richfull of beauty and abundance: a block (4 stamps), and yet complement 8 stamps. It's an Ouari nice proposal. To encourage ...
Thank you, Ouari.

terça-feira, 11 de março de 2008

Republic of Korea

What a beautiful cover just arrived at my hands! It was sent from Republic of Korea, courtesy of Jung Min.
The stamps are numerous (8!), the themes varied and magnificent and with a very clear cancellation. I paid particular attention to those of the top left corner, as they are focused on one of my preferred topics: wine / grapes. (I was surprised, and excuse my ignorance, because I didn't know this topic was the subject of several series issued by the Postal Service of South Korea...).
Really very nice surprise!
Jung Min has an interesting web site on postage stamps, you will like to have a look at:


Again a letter from Alexander. His letters and the stamps on reveal always a certain harmony. On the left side we can see two Orthodox churches integrated in a green landscape and in the upper right corner, we have stamps with birds, a church and a call to renewable energy. The nature thanks. Thank you, Alexander, for this new beautiful letter and this message.

Je viens de recevoir un nouveau courrier d'Alexander, de la Biélorussie. Ses lettres et les timbres utilisés révèlent toujours une certaine harmonie. Nous voyons dans la lettre, du coté gauche, un paysage vert avec deux églises orthodoxes encadrées dans un paysage vert et, sur le coin supérieur droit, nous voyons des timbres avec des oiseaux, une église et un dernier timbre qui fait appel à l'énergie renouvelable. La nature remercie. Merci, Alexander, pour cette très belle lettre et le message.