sexta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2008


One new cover from Slovenia.
Europe is a small geographical area on Earth, where the diversity of language and culture constitute an invaluable richness. The stamps at the top of this envelope evoke exactly this: First, the stamp with a blue background have a reminder of the presence of Slovenia in the European Union and, the stamp on the left, one of the traditional costumes of that country. To crown it all, two stamps with flowers, always a nice element remembering every citizen for respect and the intimate coexistence with nature. Thank you, dear Ziga, for this wonderful idea and congratulations!
L'Europe est un espace géographique limité sur Terre, où la diversité linguistique et culturelle est une richesse inestimable. Les timbres en haut de cette enveloppe évoquent exactement ceci: Dans un premier temps, le timbre sur un fond bleu évoque la présence de la Slovénie dans l'Union Européenne et, celui sur la gauche, l'un des costumes traditionnels de ce pays. Pour finir, deux timbres nous parlent des fleurs, un très bel élément qui nous appèle à tous au respect et à la cohabitation intime avec la nature. Merci beaucoup, cher Ziga, et félicitations pour cette idée et ce tableau magnifique!

quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2008


It is very difficult to speak of this envelope.
It is indeed very interesting and innovative. It comes from Finland. This surprising philatelic object is a "long sized"block consisting of 4 different stamps and has ski as the central theme.
So far, nothing new. The novelty comes from the material used: a synthetic fiber, whose name I do not know, and it causes the motion of the pictures whenever we change our position. The pictures shown are static. However, when we have this over in our hands, we see whole cold and snowy landscape moving. This concept is not new. But postage stamps made with such material is an inovation, at least for me...
Really great.
Thank you so much, Anne-Lisa!


Mi segunda carta de España y mi segunda recibida de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, el vecino cercano de la región Norte de Portugal. Es una carta muy bonita de verdad. Estoy muy agradecido a José Luís.
My second letter from Spain and my second one received from the Autonomic Region of Galicia, the close neighbour region of the North of Portugal. It's a really very nice letter. I'm very greatful to José Luís .

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008


New and peculiar cover received from Nederlands, a nice gift from Manuel.
There are two stamps on, and both contain seeds corresponding to the flowers shown. It's a quite unique concept and I really enjoyed it.

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2008


New cover received from Slovenia, courtesy of my friend Cvetko.
He is a lover of the stamps, stamps about animal life, particularly dogs.
Cvetko has a nice internet site translated into several languages. It is very interesting blog and you can have a look on it at the following address: or directly from my favourite link: Lencova Domaca Stran.
Thanks again, Cvetko.

domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2008


My first cover from Liechtenstein (1976?).
Thank you, Vladimír!


Cover with logo of Toulouse F.C.
Envelope dated 14.11.88.


A cover from an UNICEF expert from Ghana.
Courtesy of Vladimír.

Czech Republic

"A cover from the Government Office of the Czech Republic" - Vladimír

Former Czechoslovakia

"A card with occasional cancellation to 200th anniversary of the founder ow water curing in Lázne Jeseník" - Vladimír

Former Czechoslovakia

"A month after the first decay of Czechoslovakia (14.03.1939) - postal entirely of Slovak State with a machine handstamp inviting people for loans to the new state for recovery and development" - Vladimír

Czech Republic

This is the new letter from Emilia and Vladimir, my friends recently in the Czech Republic. Friends I respect and admire for their daily courage and their generosity. They have been so generous to me, I remain always with the idea of insufficient and unfair return, from my side…In addition to this beautiful envelope with stamps of old trucks and flowers, they sent me also other envelopes (Former Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, France, Ghana and Liechtenstein) with some peculiarities. I’ll talk about it very soon. In the meantime, for Emilia and Vladimír my sincere thanks and special greetings.


Puente de Alcántara y Puente Internacional de Ayamonte. Se trata de una emisión conjunta España - Portugal. El pasado y el presente, puentes de amistad entre los dos países Ibéricos.

Alcántara bridge and International Ayamonte bridge. This is a joint issue Spain - Portugal. The past and present, bridges of friendship in the history of the two Iberian countries.


New nice cover received from Russia.
The 4 main stamps refer to "The History of Russia. Alexander I (1777 - 1825)" and the scenes are painted by L. Zaytsev. It's a beautiful full set issue dated 2002.
On the left side of the envelope we have a view of Kalingrad.
Thank you, Alexey!


Con la simpatia y gentilleza de Ernesto recibo este mi primer sobre de Argentina. Muchas gracias y un saludo muy cordial para el país del tango!
I'm receiving my first cover from Argentina, thanks to Ernesto's kindness. Many thanks and special greetings to the country of the tango!


Très beau courrier reçu du Bahreïn, gentille courtoisie de l'Embassade de France. Un grand merci.

Nice cover received from Bahrein, courtesy of France Embassy. Thanks.

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2008


I've no words. Only to thank you, Andrew, for this unique moment you decided to share with all of us.
Philately is sharing and sharing is friendship.
Thank you so much again for this really beautiful moment.

Absolument MAGNIFIQUE! Je n'ai pas de mots. seulement à vous remercier, Andrew, pour ce moment unique que vous avez décidé de partager avec nous tous. La philatélie c'est partage et partage c'est amitié. Je vous remercie à nouveau, pour ce très, très beau moment.

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2008


New cover received from Russia. It's a really nice one, with interisting topic, related with cars and trucks from decades ago.
It's a kind Yuri's courtesy. Thanks!


Beautiful Cover from Slovenia, courtesy of Ziga.
Thank you!

terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008

Republic of Korea

These nice stamps present the Seomjin River winding through the foothills of Jiri Mountain.
This clean blue river has long been a habitat to various kinds of flora and fauna, including rare creatures and natural treasures, such as the osprey, wildcat, kestrel, otter, Fabriciana nerippe, etc.
Thank you, Kim!

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008


Beautiful poscard with the view of Cracow city.
Using Greg's words, "this card is to commemorate 750 years of
location of the city of Cracow".
Thanks, Greg, for your nice initiative.


The topic of the four stamps in evidence is showing game of chess, I suppose, popular enough in Belarus. On the stamp of the left, very discreet, there is a small bird and it seems quite sad... Is its favorite player losing the tournament?
Thanks a lot, Ihar, for this nice cover.


This is a very nice cover, the first one I received from Norway.
The baby on the main stamp is the Princess Ingrid Alexandra's photo.
The King Harold V is on the stamp, on the left.
Beautiful souvenir.
Thank you, Tonni!

sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2008


Year of the Rat.
Thanks to Don, I received my first and original cover from Canada.


Thanks, Lajos, for your beautiful envelope and the mint stamps you sent me.
Ho, as I miss the Danube and Lake Boloton ...

Republic of China

Thank you very much, George, for this nice FDC.
Spring is coming...

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008


Très beau courrier reçu d'Algérie.
Merci, Ouari.


Beautiful cover just received from Russia.
Thank you, Alexander, for the support to the WWF and the richness of the colors.

Portugal (Açores)

Moinhos de Vento (2007)
"O arquipélago dos Açores, oficialmente descoberto pelos Portuguses no séc. XV é bem o paradigma de um mundo que se quer manter verde, a bem da sustentabilidade (...). Herança dos primeiros povoadores, esta técnica de transformar o vento em pão é um técnica provavelmente a considerar, numa época de aposta nas energias renováveis". - In "Portugal em Selos 2007"

Windmills of the Azores (2007) "This archipelago, officially discovered by the Portuguese during the 15th century, is clearly the paradigm of a world that everyone wants to keep green for the sake of sustainability (...). The legacy of the earlest settlers, this technique used to transform wind into bread is probably to be considered at a time of the new focus on renewable energies". - In "Portugal in Stamps 2007"


Velhos embaixadores (2006)
Esta emissão filatélica destinou-se a comemorar os 250 anos da Região Demarcada do Douro, a mais antiga região demarcada de vinhos do Mundo.
"Pelo mundo fora, o mais popular embaixador de Portugal é, sem dúvida alguma, o noss célebre Vinho do Porto, como o qualificou a UNESCO em 14-12-2001, ao colocar à cabeça dos bens então declarados Património Mundial, o Alto Douro Vinhateiro". - In "Portugal em Selos 2006"

Old ambassadors (2006)

This philatelic issue commemorates the 250th annyversary of the Douro Demarcated Region, the world's oldest wine demarcated region. "Throughout the world Portugal's most popular ambassador is undoubtely our celebrated Port Wine, as it was classified by UNESCO on December 14th 2001, on placing the Alto Douro wine Region at the head of the patrimony that was then declared World Heritage". In "Portugal in Stamps 2006

domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2008


This is my first cover from Lithuania. It is a very beautiful one with stamps of one of my favourite topics (religion). A warm embrace from the west Atlantic to the Baltic Sea. Thank you, Kajetonas!

Portugal (Madeira)

Vinho da Madeira 2006 - "Essência Precisa"
"Já em1515 o Vinho da Madeira era exportado para a Corte de Francisco I de França; Shakespeare classificou-o como essência precisa em Henrique IV; o Duque de Clarence, irmão de Eduardo IV de Inglaterra e sentenciado pelo atentado ao Rei, escolheu morrer afogado num tonel de tal néctar; Napoleão contou com o suprimento deste vinho no exílio de Santa Helena... George Washington bebia diariamente um cálice de Madeira." - Extracto de Portugal em Selos 2006

Madeira Wine 2006 - "Precisous Essence"
Early as 1515 Madeira wine was exported to the court of Francis of France; Shakespeare classified it as "precious essence" in Henry IV; the duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV of England who was sentenced for an attempt on the life of the king, chose to drown in a butt of this nectar; Napoleon relied on provision of this wine during his exile in Santa Helena... George Washington drank a glass of Madeira every day". - Extract from the book "Portugal in Stamps 2006"